Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tel Aviv Arrival

Our group traveled to Tel Aviv through the Negev Desert.  We got to see what could not be seen when we arrived Monday evening: spectacular desert landscapes for miles and miles. It was truly breathtaking.  As we got closer to Tel Aviv, we made a brief stop to use the facilities and found a kosher McDonalds.  Several students seized the opportunity to buy a Big Texas, a giant hamburger with all the stuffings.  It was pricey, but worth it according to those who ate the burger.

We then arrived at the Deborah Hotel in Tel Aviv and quickly brought the luggage to our rooms.   Dinner at the hotel followed as we were right on schedule to go see the Na Lagaat performance at the Theater for the Blind and Deaf at Jaffa old port. Before the show, we met up with Noah Weinberg and his family.   It was great to see them and share our experiences.  We hung around the cafe in the theater, which is serviced by waitstaff who are deaf.  

The show presented about 15 different actors who told the story about being deaf and blind in short scenes, highlighting the experiences of several cast members.  The story told of their yearnings, frustrations, hopes and dreams. It was meticulously choreographed  and assisted by sighted and hearing people.  The periodic beat of a drum signaled to the performers the need to change scenes or places.  Everyone knew their roles and it became very clear just how much time and effort it took to put the show together.  After the show, the entire audience (the theater was packed) was invited up on the stage to interact with the performers assisted by those who were sighted and hearing.

After returning to the hotel, the students received information about boarding the bus the following day for their destinations in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The following two days will  be spent with family in Israel, friends, friends of family, etc.   Shabbat Shalom. 

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